The Year That Was

9DAD948B-D12E-4A06-BB95-AAFABE025371As the sun begins to set I lie on my bed look out of my window and trace the shadows of the happy moments chirping around the corners of my mind.

Time has no relevance the clock no significance as life can only be cherished in those moments of pause.

I’ve been extremely blessed to experience the calmness of my core in an ocean full of thunder.

People, places, things, food, passion, finance, health, state of mind so many other aspects sums up to this adventure called life. The challenging times make the journey seem more fulfilling and 2017 has been just that.

I’ve learnt to embrace some of my fears and work on the rest. While being temporary citizens of this world I’ve learnt it’s worth taking the risk to explore and seeking ways to live life to fullest in the time we are here.

Moreover it has been a year that opened up new cultures of the world, new relationships and a new perspective to life altogether.

The common denominator across all these experiences are the people that have added value to my existence. I’ve learnt that as humans we fall back on one another for emotional support no matter who we are or where we come from.

With the beginning of 2018, a new year, I look optimistic to celebrate these people in my life everyday, through little acts of kindness and lots of love. If you are one of those people in my life reading this blog, thank you for the sunshine. I’m gleaming and growing because of you.

The Room within You


If we keep the distance, we will cherish the spark. We must learn to respect the space between the silenced walls of our hearts and souls. That silence awakens and rejuvenates our drained minds and hazy temperaments. We will begin to think clearly and therefore creatively draw a world without boundaries or rather greater possibilities. It is in these very moments of our soul’s solace, geniuses are born and imaginations are conceived. It liberates the self to be free from chaos and to fly like a bird out of its cage. To reinstate the significance of individualism and yet embrace the vulnerability of dependence. To grow wiser each day and to choose the paths that guide us to the right roads. To surround ourselves with people who without intrusion hold up mirrors that reflect our flaws to remind us of mortality and who seek the best for us without reservations. It’s wonderful to keep that spark alive and it will stay alive as long as we give it the air it needs to exist and express.

Although distance connotes a space & ‘space’ is often perceived as detached. The magic of distance in contrast brings us closer to understanding our full self, clears the mind of thoughts, people, places, things and gives us clarity of purpose to seek and to fulfil our true meaning of love, loss and the gift of life.

The modern society seeks to attain a higher self awakened spirituality that exists in the Himalayas or mount Abu’s of the world, but little do we realize it all exists right within us.Sometimes it takes an encounter in life to take us to this path of self discovery and sometimes we kill it within the wombs of our mind by not feeding it in an environment that could let it thrive.

In case you do happen to seek for something more meaningful in life start from within because the so called ‘space’ is that tiny universe which knows it all; our road to happiness and our life’s purpose. We just need to be more conscious and create environments where the conscious self is appreciated and embedded in our human acts of earthly existence.

The value of people or things will therefore not only dawn on us when they pass away but will always be cherished for the truth they posses when they are alive with us. Seek thy self and all will be understood.

Just Let Go.


What makes great partnerships sustain? The question we all ask in every relationship in our lives. Personal or professional bonds, we tag the relationship in different ways for example a life partner or a soul mate, a boss or a coach, a teacher or a mentor, a parent or the best critic. There are two ways to view life and it’s all matter of a choice. The more fulfilled you are as a holistic individual, the lesser you seek for validation for your existence from the world outside.

But then personalities differ we have introverts and extroverts co-existing in the same space. People find different ways to exist and co-exist some introspective inside and others expressing outside. The common link between both the worlds is “Growth”. We all want to reach a higher awakened self and achieve inner peace and bliss. This path is already sought for some and for others it requires a long voyage.

Phases in our life bring in complexity and challenge our habitual existence. The only thing that makes a person grow then is how they decide to deal with the crisis at hand. Embrace it and move on or swim against the current. The more you learn to let go and live, the more peace you achieve internally and externally.

Learn to break free from the idealistic delusions of the world and see imperfections and embrace them. Beauty lies within and hence art is nothing but a beautiful expression from the artist’s soul.

I’ve reached my mid 20’s and life has taught me to let go of petty things and focus on the right goals that will bear spiritual fruits and nourish my soul in the long-term.

I’ve come to realise besides the laundry list of trust, love, defined expectations, mutual respect and communication, great partnership goes one step ahead to seek a fulfilled self first and then to reach out to have something to contribute and add value to the bond along with the partner.

We often get tired of monotony and seek new thrills, novelty, excitement and adventure. Great partnerships offer the space to indulge and express in these outfits liberating the self to grow and offering the freedom of expressing individuality without any fear. Hence I’ve come to conclude that great partnerships are not of perfect individuals teaming up together for a purpose but in fact it is opposites colliding into each other’s world embracing differences and celebrating shared goals.

The Legend and his Apple

I call him Steve in very casual way because I believe he was just a regular guy like me and you . What pushed him to be called the genius Steve P. Jobs  is his undying, undeterred passion that became his sole purpose of existence.

Steve grew up to be nurtured by his foster parents Paul and Clara Jobs who always believed their son to be a cut above the rest right from early days of schooling. They always protected their son’s interest and stood by him as an anchor of support in his life. This however gave Steve the confidence to grow up to be the way he wanted to be.  Nature and Nurture had its way on Steve and made him a natural entrepreneur and visionary right from the start. Being abandoned from childhood, Steve grew up to be a person who needed to parent himself and so he built a defensive mechanism to shield him from the outside world. This mechanism was self-sufficiency thus he always built products to be self-contained by integrating hardware with software. His self-sufficiency translated in means to be in control and to have control of the environment to dictate the possible outcomes. His spirit of control emerged at major business deals he signed with companies and various people and also enhanced end to end customer experiences with Apple products. He always attracted the right kind of people that helped him flourish and channelize his interests into passionate business opportunities be it music, books, animated movies, education or any other topic of interest he dwelled in.

Steve relentlessly worked day and night to fight every bit of flaw he happened to encounter with any of his creations. He prepared for hours and days even months rehearsing his presentations that reflected his will power to make an impeccable impact. He juggled between two companies Pixar and Apple and even family life with Lauren Powell and the kids. He dissected through the clutter and streamlined the thoughts for his co-creators and collaborators and challenged the status quo.He always believed in high sense of intuition that got perfected with time. Steve always forged ahead into different arrays even without the support of people. He believed in the power of ideas and would take the road less travelled.  His salesmanship garnered him praiseworthy success.

Zen installed in him the lack of materialism and the love for simplicity. Simplicity is a virtue he embodied in all of the Apple products. Apple was an extension of Steve. His love for technology and admiration for fine arts resulted in an innovatively creative approach that Apple took on.

His passion to create a dent in the universe never gave up , till the end he kept battling for a greater cause of humanity to creatively innovate.Steve’s biography is intricately crafted by Walter Isaacson , which paints a pristine portrait of Jobs the man himself. Its gives us an insight of what it takes to be a Steve P. Jobs: a person who changed the world.

The Masquerade ball !

We live behind sheets of thin plastic that melt when we expose it too long in the mirror of self reflection. Nostalgia strikes every once in a while when we look back and see our life events unfold .Somewhere down the line we have all attended the great ‘Masquerade Ball’ where the fanciest becomes the charmer and the ugliest  turns to be a poker face. Never be deceived for what lies beyond the darkness, as beneath the mask, is a shelter for timid souls. We can unleash our untamed impulses with an Alter Ego or we can contaminate our minds with worries of acceptance. Our entire life stories are full of these games, however we choose to succumb or indulge. In all of this staged comedy circus, we either face life with a façade or we enjoy the show behind the shield.

The greatest challenge though is to wear your skin no matter what it takes and feel comfortable in it, trust me that’s the most beautiful masquerade you can ever posses. Don’t be afraid to embrace Nakedness, It’s simply Priceless.

Life As We Know It !!!

I am not a wordsmith or a diarist but what moves me to pick up my paper and pen is my inspirational Ghost writer. Its been ages since my last blog , I haven’t found the motivation to get back to where it all started . But today I falter on the thought “Every Muscle needs some exercise” .Its difficult waking up one fine morning , pulling up your track pants and heading for the gym, but then there is always something called ‘An Attempt’ . Today I challenged myself to make that attempt and gear up for some rejuvenation . I took a walk down memory lane and started rectifying the wear and tear that my mind had gone through in the lapse of mental workouts and soon , realization dawned on me:

Working life turned me into a mean mechanical operating machine. I missed out an opportunity to tickle my funny bone or to tickle my senses and broaden my imagination . I love the serene warmth and beauty of unique and imaginative thoughts. And all this while I had missed all of my short vacation trips with thoughts and words in which I used to dwell in. Every body finds a home in something close to their heart , my home lay admits the chirpy thoughts and conversant words. Its not a place to vent out or to escape , but a place to run free just like a deserted island where the innocent waves kiss the golden sand and go back to the sea, so does our thoughts lay on the edge of our minds and slip away through daily chorus. I cannot hold on to every new thought but occasionally I think I need to pamper myself to explore and experience the joy and freshness it brings.

Its important to see what brings out that spark in you and never get lost , because it is this silent spark within us, that unleashes fireworks in our life.

::Story Teller::

The Pirate Steals At night
He deviously studied the Knight
The pirate uncovers his deck
Slips the knife into the Knight’s neck
Gold coins in abundance traced by the crook
Such evil deed no man could overlook
Blood and Theft are all he left
For nature summoned his justice in time
And swallowed the Pirate detesting his crime.



Welcome To IPL3,
Where publicity demands no fee.
Cricketers and crooks crowd the stage,
IT Guys Ransack in rage.
Cheer girls make crowds oogle,
While YouTube now , earns with every google.
“Advertising Clutter” -the new age game,
Power key people know how to tame.
Taste of notes is all you need,
Merchendise ,sponsers,tickets ;
All give the owners thier feed.
Scandals ,scam ,High media choice
You can be a part by just lending your voice.
IPL3 was not a game confined to bat and ball
but a spectale to see the mighty fall.


_________On Purpose__________

She wanted that one pen
that would give her a good grip of her words…

She sailed through the thoughts in her mind…

She wanted to know who the creator of the ‘normal’ is.
The ‘Judges In Society’,
who selfishly deceive the world into standardization.

Who defined who is   more superior and less superior?

Why has cold blooded crime more accolade than cancer itself?

Who defined prisons as dark and freedom as light?
Prisons have always been known to mankind
but freedom is yet to unveil her mask

Deviation – defined as against the normal
can it never be sought in white light
for purifying heavy souls with a bigger burden
than timid stories of honor?

Words. Countless words flow…
Through gatekeepers of fabricated men
only to perish to the filtration for long.

No bonds, no blood
no stain, no stigma
yet the ‘strong’ can’t resist the chains of scrupulous bondage
the weak are more than commendable.

Like leaves that fall to the ground
so do bodies in ashes lay sound?

Diagnostic Delusions

Materialism has conquered its hold
unconscious yet deeply  engraved around the wall of human barricade
they pretend like the actor in the play
the script of humanity fabricated by human flaw
not a single masterpiece without blemish
where are the gods gone though there exists none only one
the flesh has consumed every human soul
cancerous cells all turning malignant
the loss of which, one bears everyday
amidst humdrum clatter are the noisy pollutants
the mediocre sits only to mourn the crying souls
time ticks the flame of misfortune
to be burnt into dust, unaccomplished
chained to my clutches I now can break free
a world of illusions blind to see
the real ones they r hurting are you and me